Friday, November 12, 2010

Number 6

Last weekend Harv and I celebrated our sixth anniversary.  Very exciting, especially because this is our last anniversary without child.  Yipes!  We celebrated a little early with a trip through New England in October so on Saturday we just had a nice breakfast out and a delicious dinner at home.
We like to keep anniversary gifts as homemade as possible.  This year Harv gave me an iPhoto book of wedding pictures (we're a little behind with that) and I made him a cowboy shirt.
6th Anniversary Shirt

This is the fourth shirt I've made for him, second anniversary shirt.  I asked if it was lame that I keep giving him the same thing but he assures me he loves it.  Cowboy shirts are practically Harv's uniform (that and Packers t-shirts, blech) and the ones I've made for him get pretty heavy rotation.  Someday I'll have to do a retrospective on Harv's handmade shirts.
6th Anniversary Shirt

This pattern is a vintage one I picked up at a thrift store a while ago.  I've used it three times, tweaking a little bit with each shirt.  The original collar was HUGE (the pattern is from the '70's) so I took that down a little bit.
6th Anniversary Shirt

I also added a front yoke, something Harv asked for the last time I made this pattern without even knowing what it was called.
6th Anniversary Shirt

And I modified the back yoke.  The one in the pattern is straight across so I made it a little more fun.
The fabric Harv picked himself at Michael Levine and I have one of those hand held snap presses and a pretty good supply of pearl snaps on hand for making these babies.


  1. Umm. Our husbands wear the same uniform. A beard, glasses, a hat like that and cowboy shirts. I need to start making Gavin some shirts!! This one is great!

  2. This makes me want to make shirts for my husband! I've been meaning to start making my own dresses & skirts & tops, but it never crossed my mind to make him shirts for work. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  3. He has great taste -- that fabric is awesome!

  4. I am SO impressed! Great work! Happy anniversary!!! And for the record, we generally do an out of house anny celebration now that we have kids, AND an in house special dinner that includes them. It has become a fun tradition where they get to eat fancy cheeses and exceptional desserts too!

  5. That is an impressive shirt Liz! Great job, and happy anniversary!

  6. That shirt is awesome! I love vintage patterns but never thought about doing a men's shirt...totally dig that your husband has them under heavy rotation! Happy Anniversary!
