Tuesday, March 15, 2011

LAMQG Retreat!

Two weeks ago the three of us went to Lake Arrowhead for the LA Modern Quilt Guild retreat.  Harv took Virginia for most of the weekend and I sewed to my heart's content.  It was the first time I had done any sewing since Ginny was born.

Ginny and I at the LAMQG Retreat in Lake Arrowhead, CA

I did give him a couple hours break both days and Ginny slept in the Moby while I worked.

Of course, it was amazing to be able to sew for two days straight after not sewing at all for six weeks.  But what was even more amazing was the incredible time I had with this wonderful group of women.  I have made so many great friends through the guild.  We had so much fun sewing and chatting and drinking and eating and playing games, we all agreed that not only do we want the retreat to last longer next time, but we also want to make it a semi-annual event, not annual.

LAMQG Retreat
Photo courtesy of Alissa Haight Carlton, Handmade By Alissa

I really can't wait for next year's (or maybe this summer's?) retreat.  I'll have to get my fix this Saturday at our weekend sew.  If you have a branch of the MQG in your area and you haven't joined yet, DO IT!  Of course the guilds are all different but I get the feeling that modern quilting just draws a certain type of crowd and chances are there will be some wonderful friends to be had.

1 comment:

  1. The Austin MQG had a retreat in February... We're already trying to plan our "summer" retreat.
