Saturday, November 29, 2008

Free-Motion Quilting Strikes Back

I bought myself a darning foot a darn long time ago. I tried free-motion quilting. It didn't work out so well. I abandoned the idea.
Then last summer a friend asked if I could turn her boyfriend's childhood Star Wars sheet into a quilt for his birthday in November. I said "Sure! I've got plenty of time!" Well, after freaking out a little in October and considering sending it to a shop to be quilted on a long arm machine I gave the free-motion thing another try. It was so simple. Here's a tip that I found especially helpful: lower the presser foot. Duh. That was my problem. I don't think you can blame me though, if the needles up the presser foot looks like it's up, even if it's down! Ack. Such a stupid mistake.
So, long story long, I figured it out in the nick of time and hauled ass on this baby over the course of an evening and a half. It was nuts. A crazy, wine-fueled, free-motion party for one.

It was really a lot of fun. I totally dig free-motion quilting. I will do it again soon.

Quilting a solid cloth quilt like this was also quite enjoyable. It allowed me to focus on the quilting. Plus, I think it's pretty bad-ass. And bonus, the birthday boy dug it too.


  1. Oh how I love a wine fueled free motion party for one. It's my favorite part of making a quilt... This came out so well! Nice job!

  2. That is totally bad ass.

  3. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I have done that (it's so frustrating and you are wondering what has happened)! The quilting looks fabulous..great job!

  4. Liz, that looks so great! I have done something like that so many times that I want to cry... I'm glad you figured it out in the nick of time.

  5. I never knew star wars could be so classy. nice job!

  6. I'm with you on the free motion, it's like painting. Forget drawing lines or using templates!

  7. This is so awesome!

  8. I fall for that ALL THE TIME. Much swearing. Congratulations on being a free motion quilter!!

  9. It looks great. Why on earth has it never occurred to me to quilt a sheet on the front of the quilt as well as the back?

    I'm impressed that you did that while having wine. I'd have sewn my finger. At least the busy pattern would have hidden the blog.

  10. great quilt
    I had that same problem the first time I tried to free motion

  11. Yes the birthday boy was completely surprised and moved. The quilt has received much cuddle time and even more praise (not to mention jealousy) by everyone that sees it. Thanks so much again :) !!!

  12. I have only just discovered your blog and just popped in to say hi...your work is really beautiful...I'll be back to check you out more soon, Tam xo

  13. ha! love the quilt
    i tried free motion and i think i forgot to put the presser feet down too. i hated it and i was so looking forward to being able to play. maybe i will give it another try
