Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Here she be.

I here by vow to try my very derndest to get these babies out on time from now on. This is June's (oops) Common Threads quilt block for Melissa.

I used this stuff for the first time when pressing this.

It's a starch alternative that I got at JoAnn. I dig it. I think I'll be using it frequently. I don't know what you more experienced quilters think about this sort of thing but my seams need all the help they can get. They're not always what you call "straight."
So July was my month and I've received two awesome blocks so far. I can't wait for the rest to roll in!


  1. As a *crooked* quilter, I have to ask: What does the spray do exactly?

  2. Sorry - mine is sitting next to my computer waiting to be taken to the post office...don't know why it takes longer to mail it then actually make it :-)


  3. I've been meaning to try that stuff. Perhaps with my next 40off coupon.

    Also, I just laughed out loud noticing your blog subtitle for the first time. Thanks for the giggle.

  4. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I am not a quilter but I sew every day. My only issue with the starch spray is... well two... the lavander and citrus smell kinda fake. The ocean breeze (or something like that) at least smells like clean clothes. Second, it seemed like it took for ever to dry, even with a hot iron. What I liked was- no flaky-ness and my fabric was not stiff as a board just lightly starched.

  5. Where I took my beginner class had they were using it and I ran right out and bought it... I love it.. and my husband loves it also when he uses it on his ironing. gotta love that!
